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English Pronunciation Tip: Words that end in -ATE


"I'd recommend you separate these funds into a separate account."

Separate. Did you know that this word is pronounced two different ways in this sentence?

It's true.

In this lesson, we’re going to talk about how to pronounce the very common suffix or word ending -ATE.

This suffix can be tricky because it is pronounced differently based on whether a word is a verb or not a verb.

So let's get started- time learn and practice how to pronounce words that end in -ATE!

Practice sentences used in this lesson:

She graduated with her doctorate last May.

You’ll want to separate your whites from your colors and wash them in separate loads.

I don’t think this is an accurate estimate of the total cost.

She’s a passionate teacher who motivates her students.

I’m desperate for a piece of chocolate.

The climate is very moderate.

The intricate detail would be difficult to duplicate.

Is it appropriate to ask for separate checks?

Who will be moderating the debate?

My associate is very articulate.

Fortunately, we were notified immediately.

It would be easy to create a template.

I’d appreciate a duplicate copy.

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