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Pronounce English Words Correctly: 5 Common Suffixes

Pronounce hundreds of English words correctly by learning how 5 SUPER COMMON suffixes are pronounced AND how they impact stress patterns within words. This will help immensely if your goal is to sound more clear and natural in your spoken English. Be sure to grab your FREE Common Suffixes Practice Words PDF list!

Word Endings covered in this lesson:
-TION/-SION: act, process
-IC: having characteristics of
-ITY/ETY: state of

Key Takeaways:

1) Each of these very common suffixes follows the same pattern- the stressed or emphasized syllable comes right before the suffix.

2) Learning how to pronounce these endings as well as how they impact words stress will help you pronounce hundreds of English words more naturally.

3) Now that you are aware of these endings and patterns just wait- you will begin to notice them EVERYWHERE! 

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